1 Timothy 2: 1-4 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings (and the corresponding action of voting in a Republic) be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth.
The greatest American poet in the 20th century was Harvard educated Robert Frost, and the unofficial first Poet Laureate of the United States . One of his most popular poems is simply entitled, The Road Not Taken. In the final of four stanzas, the poem capstones with words along these lines,
. . . Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
As America goes so goes the Globe. How did this happen? They took a road less traveled in the early years of the Republic. But are we still the envy of the world?
In 1831 – 1834, Alexis de Tocqueville traveled to and documented his experiences in America in his two-volume set called Democracy in America. His findings, originally written in French, stated that the chief political force in America is simply Christianity, and it threaded throughout culture. He observed that the greatness (or a term he coined, exceptionalism) in America is traveling through all the small towns and seeing their faith, their religion, and their Christian mission to take care of the poor and do life according to the Bible. He clearly lays this out as the main theme in American strength. He portrayed a society where the spirit of liberty and the spirit of God were understood to be intertwined with each other. Meaning that the God of the Bible supported a government of the people! He believed this scarlet thread to be the key to the strength of the new American nation. This scarlet thread involved moral character and an abiding trust that the people of the Republic would do the right thing . . .
This glue to the Republic is weakening, can we keep it in tact for our children and our children’s children? Right now, we are fighting a tide of darkness in this Land, and for centuries we were the Land of Hope, the City on a Hill that the world watched with envy. The Freedom that was threaded into America came from God! America was predominately founded by Christians, who embedded Judeo-Christian principles into early nation and its founding documents. The current mainstream media has created a term in their language called “Christian Nationalism” to smear our heritage and patriotism. What a joke!
But the founding of America was supernatural! It was a country saved to the end of time, the last bit of 7000 years of God’s planet Earth. It has only been around for 200+ years. In fact, take America out of the world and where would it stand? Through much of the last century, 90% of international missionaries came from the United States and 90% were funded by its citizenry.
You must first understand that nationalism in a virtue! Just like having pride in your home and your community. According to the Scriptures we are to be a sheep or sovereign nation. What does this mean? In fact, we should have boundaries, which establish our territory. The very first nation state ever built was Ancient Israel. Sheep nations, or sovereign nations, are up against the empire states, or Biblically the Beast! The Beast is the globalists who want all open borders. No borders and no walls are the media language of the empires, the Beast! Empires, i.e. the Roman Empire, do not respect borders or boundaries they just assimilate and try to expand.
Sovereign nations respect their own borders, but they also respect, and many times aid, other sovereign nations boundaries from empires. This empire or Biblical Beast system produces things like the Tower of Babel, where every tribe or nation should become one. Within these Babylonian philosophies all nations are to be like stones cut evenly and work together as one, sounds good BUT doesn’t work! The sheep nations are to have a uniqueness about them, cut like a living stone, and God brings them together with specific purposes in the Earth. We are allowed to have differences, and we should strive towards a flourishing America, a flourishing America full of Christian Nationalists. We are in a shaking on planet earth (Psalm 2), and the Church will come out on top! We, as the Church, will bring a Tsunami of the Light of the Gospel!
Part of this Tsunami may be rebuilding much of the federal government. The FBI, DOJ, IRS, Department of Education, among others need to be rebuilt, we need to rebuild the walls of a broken-down society with the Scarlet Thread of the Gospel! In fact, I am going to move into some writings on the 7 mountains of society. These 7 mountains are the Family, the Church, Education, Business, Government, Media & Entertainment, and STEM/Medical; and the Church should be mobilizing and then invading all these mountains of our society. And this America is a government for the people and the people of God need to revive and bring reformation to the Land of Hope, OUR America!
Finally, remember to Vote by or on Tuesday November 5th . . . one VP candidate is a graduate of The Ohio State University! And by the way, the #4 Ranked Buckeyes play Nebraska this weekend and #3 Penn State the following. O-H!
Further Resources:
1963 Kenneth E. Hagin Prophecy on Communism trying to Invade America!
Transcribed: https://www.andywannemacher.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Darkness-of-Communism-Delivered-1963.pdf