God and AI

Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Could this scripture reference an auto powered Artificial Intelligence (AI) system?  There is no doubt, AI will likely power parts of the Beast system depicted in Revelation 13 above.  It has boundless potential for sure, but the amount of evil that will raise its ugly head from this is already happening and has been for many months.  Eventually, the wickedness that comes from it may cause disruptions in our society that we are not prepared for. . . “With AI, we are summoning the demon” -Elon Musk.  Elon has repeatedly made it clear that he considers AI to be one of the most significant threats to mankind if it is not properly managed and regulated.

In 2023, a German pastor hosted an AI worship service with 4 different AI ministers.  I would not be in line to listen, but 100s lined up to listen in.  However, we, as Christians, should know how to discern this new technology and understand how it can be used properly and how it should not be used.  It could lead to great breakthroughs in science, help us understand ourselves better, and improve communication across the global system.  But it cannot take the place if face to face human connection and most importantly, conversations with God (prayer).

Researchers at the University of Texas are saying they have successfully created an AI system that can translate brain activity into readable speech.  Personally, I do not believe we will ever get to something that can 100% do this or AI will be able to override all thinking.  God won’t allow it before the rapture of the Church, and probably not before the 1000-year reign of Christ.  (I will be working on an End Times timeline in the coming months for all my readers.).

When I watch AI work, and we have been using it for years, I see something that could become everyone’s God.  Where people quit thinking for themselves, quit exercising, and quit praying.  I am having a flashback to the movie Wall-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) which fictionally took place 700 years in the future and humans no longer even knew they could walk, let alone pray. 

Scripturally, with AI, I see Tower of Babel 2.0.  The Anti-Christ will come on the scene with a charismatic personality and look to take dominion over mankind with some kind of technological tools for sure, which may include a heavy dose of AI.  Technology giants and globalists already talk from this perspective.  They all want a name for themselves and to bring everyone united under one order, one language, one way of thinking?  Have you heard of this before?  (See Genesis 11:5-8).  Truly, nobody can stop all this from happening and I am simply attempting to bring an awareness to my readers.  But just like Babel 1.0, Babel 2.0 (AI and the globalists) will eventually fail.  God will not be mocked (bullied), whatsoever a man sows he will reap.  And man cannot be God, Christ will win and reign.   

What can we do to combat AI?

  1. We must have minds renewed to the Word of God through in person assemblies of believers.  This cannot all happen online because AI may run online at some point in time? 
  2. Christians must be able to discern the Word of God coming out of someone and see them in-person at times, at least in a hybrid model of in-person and online. Take breaks from screens from time to time, they are not your God, but can be used as a tool to share the Gospel (1 Timothy 4:1)
  3. Stand and speak against demonic.  We must remain sober and vigilant. (Eph 6:11)
  4. Remain strong against the coming shakings (Hebrews 12:27-29)
  5. Take and stand in your place of Authority in Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
  6.  Always be watching and praying for the end-time outpouring of God!

Remember, there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the end of this age.  The people of God must pray for this outpouring.  This outpouring will be even greater than the outpouring at the day of Pentecost, which gave the first-generation Church the power to overcome the evils of the day.  This currently beginning outpouring will be even greater than the first century Church’s because the evil must be overcome to bring revival and reformation to the Nations of the Earth.  This is the outpouring spoken by the prophet Joel, and the Church must be praying it in as it goes through a season of repentance.  This repentance will bring revival, and the people must choose to live in this revival.  Maranatha!      

Further Resources:

Didio, A. (2024). Summoning the Demon.  Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc.

Evans, Jimmy & Hitchcock, Mark. (2024). What’s Next: AI and the AntiChrist.  Southlake, TX: Tipping Point Press.

Stone, P. (2023).  Artificial Intelligence versus God: The Final Battle for Humanity. Voice of Evangelism Ministries:  Cleveland, TN.

5 Responses

  1. I watched a video on YouTube of an actor’s likeness in a short movie. Looked kind of real. AI pastors will seem real and will twist the truth. Even some new bibles have updated English words that seem to alter what was originally translated. Times are changing and changing quickly. Love you brother.

    1. . . . will seam real and if people do not know the Word of God/truth they will deceive even the Church! Thanks for reading, see you again soon!

  2. Excellent information and insights, Andy. I recently inadvertently messaged Meta AI thinking I was replying to a Facebook site administrator. I was amazed at the almost instant and very detailed response I got specific to the subject of my message. Potential for deception indeed.
    Thanks for sharng!

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