2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
“I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the Bible.” D. L. Moody
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, filled with 66 different books that were written over 2000 years by 40 different “authors” on 3 separate continents. The books include historical narratives, poetry, personal letters, and parables. It has outlasted kingdoms and empires and has more durability than a stone! It was the first book in Western Civilization and continues to be the best seller. The question is, how do you study the Bible?
Well, there are many options. You can follow a Bible-reading plan, such as the one I offer on my homepage which connects to my home church in Minnesota. If you download the Bible app, you’ll also be able to find reading plans that cover specific topics or reading plans by specific authors. You can come up with your own reading plan at home or use a site such as biblehub.com. The goal is that you read the Bible regularly!
Why is the Bible important? Well, the Bible wasn’t intended to be a book that you read once, understand fully, and then stop reading it forever. Reading the Bible was meant to be a lifetime journey, for the truths of the Bible will continue to unfold every time you open its pages. By reading the Bible you are establishing a relationship or a contract with the Creator of all things.
Here are some more tips to keep the Bible interesting to you:
- Read through the Bible stories you heard in Sunday school as a child, so you can read for your own self what happened.
- If you have only read the King James Version, go ahead, and read the NIV or NLT. Or try a paraphrase version such as the Message or the Passion translation. Different translations provide different layers of meaning within the Scriptures.
- Read the Bible cover to cover over the course of 1 year.
- Read through one of the shorter books of the Bible once a day every day for a month. Journal what stands out to you each time you read through it.
- Read a commentary or two as you read the Bible, something like on www.biblehub.com
- Use reference notes in a study Bible to follow chain references on certain verses and topics that you are drawn to.
- Meditate on the scriptures that stick out to you. Self-talk happens continuously and is more powerful than you think. So self-talk scriptures to yourself.
The Bible has the power to change your life because it is God’s Word to you. Keep coming back to it. When you don’t understand what you are reading or you need that spark of inspiration to keep you going, ask God for it. Ask Him to stir in you a hunger for more of Him. He will respond!
Have a great week, and remember this weekend is Palm Sunday and Easter is next weekend . . . and Ohio State’s football season begins in 22 weeks!
One Response
This is awesome, Dr. Wannemacher. A great guide for those who want to delve more into the Word! Thank you!